Community Darkroom Equipment
Our community darkroom contains a range of equipment and materials to help you develop film and create prints by hand. Our mission is to ensure you have the tools you need to achieve the results you want, so if there's something we've missed we welcome your feedback via our contact form.
Black & White: Meopta Magnifax 4A
A black & white enlarger with a universal carrier that takes negatives up to 6x9 medium format negatives. Built-in multigrade and neutral density filters to adjust contrast and exposure during printing.
Colour: Durst M670
A colour enlarger with a negative carrier that takes up to 6x7 medium format negatives. Built in CMY filters to adjust colour balance during printing.
Processors & Tanks
Patterson tanks & spools
Jobo 1520 Unitanks & spools
Jobo 1530 Extension (total capacity 6x 35mm/120 per tank)
Jobo 2800 print drums (max size 16x20inch)
Jobo CPE2 processor
Epson V600 flatbed scanner with 35mm, 120 and slide scanning frames
Copy stand for dSLR scanning
Canon 6D & Sigma 105mm Macro lens
filomat SmartConvert
Fuji X-Press C-41 processing kits
Bellini Foto RA-4 kits
Ilford ID-11 B&W film developer
Ilford Ilfotex HC film developer
Ilford Multigrade print developer
Ilford Ilfostop stop bath
Ilford Rapid Fixer
Ilford Ilfotol wash aid